
Stuffed Okra.

Served here with black eyed peas, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes.
Growing up in Tennessee, okra was everywhere. During the summer, when it was maturing, folks were always willing to pass along a big bag full from their gardens, which were overflowing. Some folks love it, others hate it. There are few in between. If you belong to the love camp, then you HAVE to try this recipe. If no, it might just change your mind. The slimy green veggie to which many are accustomed becomes something different with this recipe. Whole young pods are stuffed with spices and sautéed with onions until slightly browned and crisp. It's simple, though a bit time-consuming if you are making a large batch (in which case you crack open a couple of beers and get someone to help you).

This dish is perfect for any meal. It works with an Indian spread, goes with southern food really well, and fits right in on the Thanksgiving table or at a picnic (yes, it's even good at room temp). I am a huge fan of okra, and since moving to Seattle, I do have a problem finding it fresh sometimes. Your best bet is an Asian produce stand. You can find it usually at most locations in the International District much cheaper than at local grocery stores.

This recipe makes enough for two. Double the recipe for more. Don't be afraid to mix up the spices a bit and make it your own way!

If it's messy, it's okay.
You will need:

30-40 small-medium young okra
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon mango powder*
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon garam masala
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, or to taste
2 or 3 Tablespoons of peanut or vegetable oil
1/2 large onion, thinly sliced
A few cherry tomatoes (optional)
Cilantro (optional)
Stir-fry in hot oil.

Fry until golden brown.
Wash and dry the okra. Working with each pod separately, cut off most of the hard stem and make a long slit, from just near the stem, stopping just before the tip. Don't cut the okra into 2 parts; rather make a pocket to hold the spice mixture.
In a small bowl, mix the spices and salt. Using a small spoon or your fingers, stuff a pinch of the spice mix into each okra pod. Save any left over. If the okra splits in half, or you don't have enough spice, or it looks messy, don't fret. Everything is just fine.
Sautéed with sweet onions.
Heat a couple Tablespoons of the oil in a frying pan over medium high heat until hot. Add the stuffed pods and stir fry until beginning to brown (in batches if necessary). Reduce heat to medium and cook until browned and tender, 10-15 minutes or so. Remove okra from pan and set aside on a plate.
Add a Tablespoon or so of oil into the pan and return to heat. Increase heat slightly and add the onion. Stir-fry the onion until soft and golden brown, about 5 minutes or so. Transfer the okra back to the pan and stir gently to combine with the onion. Add any leftover spice, reduce heat to medium, and cook for another minute or two. Toss in a few cherry tomatoes and some cilantro if you like and serve.

*Mango powder can be found at Indian groceries or online. Although it isn't completely necessary, it does add a wonderful flavor to the recipe. Just go order some now and forget about it. You will be happy you did. If you wanna be stubborn and skip it, squeeze a bit of lemon over the dish just before serving instead.

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